" Learning basic music theory is essential for enhancing creativity and developing a keen sense of musical awareness. It is a challenging, but rewarding set of skills to learn. " There are 12 notes in the music theory : A- A# -B -C- C# -D -D# -E -F -F# -G -G# Intervals An interval is a distance between two notes. There are several different intervals. We measure these intervals by the number of half steps, whole steps, and their position in the scale. A half step interval is one semitone. A whole step interval is two semitones. Two half steps make a whole step. Moreover, intervals are the foundation of both harmony and melody. Playing two or more notes at the same time creates harmonic intervals (chords). Playing a single note one after the other creates melodic intervals (melodies). OCTAVES The next highest or lowest pitch of the same note. For example, an octave up from C1 on a piano is C2. An octave down would be C0. There are 12 semitones in the octave...